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Apps Didactic Game

Series 3D Explorer Mammals

App available on App Store where you can discover the external and internal morphology of different mammals. Easy, dynamic and for all Android devices. Designed as a teaching professional tools for students, faculty and professionals.


Dowload 3D Dog Explorer


Dowload 3D Cattle Explorer

Series 3D Explorer Insects

App available on App Store where you can discover the external and internal morphology of different arthropods. Easy, dynamic and for all Android devices. Designed as a teaching professional tools for students, faculty and professionals.


Dowload 3D Ant Explorer Demo


Dowload 3D Grasshopper Explorer


Dowload 3D Flea Explorer


Dowload 3D Mosquito Explorer

Series 3D Explorer Microbiology


App available on App Store where you can discover the structure of various viruses, bacteria and cells. Easy, dynamic and for all Android devices.

Designed as a teaching professional tools for students, faculty and professionals.


Dowload 3D Virus Explorer (include H1V1 y VIH)


Dowload 3D Bacteriophage T4 Explorer (include animation)


Dowload 3D Gram Bacteria Explorer (include animation, Gram- y Gram+)

Learn "Valenciano"

Two games to learn Valenciano: "Sopa de Lletres" and "Com escrivim" for the museum project of the "Centro de Interpretación de las Normas de Castellón"  with the participation of the Caminart Association and financed by the "Ayuntamiento de Castellón·.


Available on AppStore for free.


Dowload Com escrivim?


Dowload Sopa de lletres

You know recycle?


Check with our app.


Dowload Recíclame

Todas las obras publicadas en la web de Didactic Game están sujetas a la licencia Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite

All works published on the website of Didactic Game are subject to the license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 of Creative Commons International. To view a copy of this license, visit

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